Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra

Last week 2nd grade was studying the instrument families in the orchestra. My student teacher did a great job of introducing the four families and the instruments that belong to each family. He chose some really cool listening examples from Play Music. Then we worked together to create a listening map for Benjamin Britten’s “Young Person’s Guide to Orchestra.” We made the listening guide interactive by making it a flipchart page for ActivStudio on the interactive white board (Promethean Board). Each student was given a copy of the listening map and a bingo chip (click on the image below for copy of this listening map….you are welcome to use as you choose!). As each family or instrument was featured in “Young Person’s Guide,” the students would move their chips to the instrument/family they heard. The teacher would show the correct answer on the board after all students responded. It ended up being a fun, challenging, and rewarding listening activity for the students. And it proved to be an effective learning activity as well as an authentic assessment!!

Also, see David French’s post on Tanbur Music Education Blogspot called “Orchestra and Opera.” He has posted some cool links and resources for Benjamin Britten’s “Young Person’s Guide.”

2 thoughts on “Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra

  1. Learning to play music instruments is really not easy. Some people attend music lessons just to learn all the information that they want in the instrument that they want to learn to play. Playing all the music orchestra instruments is really hard. Even me I had a hard time spending music lessons. I actually have my music book ao i can learn many things from it. Playing of different instrument as well as learning on how to play drums is also what I like. Thanks for this by the way. I hope that there will be more of your post.


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